As a freelancer I work/worked for several companies:
Scottish Ballet
Langside, Motherwell & Coatbridge College
East Renfrewshire, West Dunbartonshire, Glasgow City, Argyle & Bute Councils
Dance House
The STAND Dance Studio
January 2010
Presence was a contemporary dance piece which was Vito Dance Theatre's debut Performance.
June 09January 2010
Presence was a contemporary dance piece which was Vito Dance Theatre's debut Performance.
I.D was a contemporary dance piece which I choreographed as part of FireBox Dance Theatre's performance 'Limited Edition'. The piece was about our own identity and how
people perceive us and how we want to be perceived. Looking at how we try to become something we're not to fit in with today's society.
June 07
I choreographed a dance piece for Blaze an Amateur Dance Company for their performance Fatomasofobia which was in Gilmorehill Theatre, Glasgow.
December 06
I finished a project with West Dunbartonshire at The STAND studio in Clydebank. This project involved a group of girls producing a movie trailer for a dance film called 'Stand Up'. The girls assisted in the filming, choreographing and creating the music for their project.
I was Choreographer for Saint Andrews Musical Society for 6 years. The shows included: Bugsy Malone, The Wiz, Boogie Nights, Crazy For You, Return To The Forbidden Planet & Gumshoe.
June 04
I choreographed a contemporary dance piece based on the story of Cinderella, this was performed in the Crawford Theatre in Glasgow.
I jointly choreographed with Jayne Middleton to create the piece 'Changes Through Time' which was a dance piece based on the transition from natural surroundings to a more industrial one. It involved children who were moving from Pr7 into 1st Year at Secondary school. You can watch this performance at:
I choreographed a Hip Hop/Bhangra dance piece for Woodlands Youth Initiative. I worked with a group of young girls of different ethnicities on this 8 week project.
Assisted in the choreography for Langside College's End Of Year Performance 'A Clockwork Orange'.
Presence - Vito Dance Theatre - Theatre Royal Glasgow
Song Of The Siren - Norman Douglas - Tramway
Ready For Love - Steinvor Palson - Tramway
Vier Letzte Lieder - Royston Maldoom & Janice Parker - Tramway
Aspire - Maxine Railton - Tramway & Lemon Tree
White Noise - FireBox Dance Theatre - Gilmorehill Theatre
As The Sparks Fly Upwards - FireBox Dance Theatre - Dundee College, The Arches (Interactive)
Loop - FireBox Dance Theatre - The STAND
Blok - FireBox Dance Theatre - Gilmorehill Theatre
S/S07 - FireBox Dance Theatre - Gilmorehill Theatre
Dark Matter - FireBox Dance Theatre - Sub Club (Dance Film)
Urban Honey - FireBox Dance Theatre- Gilmorehill Theatre
We're No Here - FireBox Dance Theatre- Gilmorehill Theatre
Super Stylin' - FireBox Dance Theatre - Tramway
Shifting Sands -FireBox Dance Theatre- Troon Beach (Dance Film)
Bogalusa - FireBox Dance Theatre - Gilmorehill Theatre
Me and My Girl - Apollo Players - King's Theatre (Glasgow)
Babes In The Wood - Lynne Bustard - Carnegie Hall (Dunfermline)
A Summer's Tale - Paragon Ensemble/Jane Simpson - Partick Burgh Hall (Glasgow)
Primitive Streak - Jane Simpson & Alex Rigg - The Arches (Glasgow)